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Arts video lessons

CLIL based Video lessons in English focusing on Arts to be used in their everyday teaching practices.

Drawing Techniques (# 1)

This video lesson fosters practical experience by introducing various drawing tools and styles, encouraging experimentation and play in the artistic process.

9 - 10 years old

Hello Autumn (# 2)

The video lesson helps pupils demonstrating the ability to discuss seasons, identify autumn leaf colors, construct sentences about autumn leaves, make observations, and count in English.

5 - 6 years old

Lines in Art (# 3)

The video lesson promotes students' understanding and expression of diverse line techniques in art through creative exploration, practical experience, and collaborative activities, fostering experimentation, communication, and teamwork.

9 - 10 years old

What is it made for (# 4)

The video lessons ecourage students' understanding of materials and their artistic potential through creative exploration, practical experience, and collaborative activities, fostering creativity, communication, and teamwork.

9 - 10 years old

My Landscape (# 5)

The video lesson enables pupils to name different landforms and elements of a landscape, identify these features in various paintings, recognize and describe the foreground, middle ground, background, and horizon line in a landscape, and present a landscape to their peers.

9 - 10 years old

Papyrus and Hieroglyphics (# 6)

The video lesson enables pupils to explore hieroglyphic writing and Egyptian painting, read hieroglyphs accurately, gather information effectively, create culturally themed graphics, produce personalized hieroglyphic papyrus and accurately replicate iconographic images.

9 - 10 years old

Sculpting Techniques (# 7)

The video lesson guides students in exploring sculpture techniques, stimulating creativity, familiarizing them with sculpting materials, introducing culturally significant sculptures, and facilitating communication and collaboration for developing skills and creativity.

11 - 12 years old

Seasons with Arcimboldo (# 8)

The video lesson teaches students to observe and describe fruit and color in images, understand the proposed meanings, apply acquired knowledge to create a face using fruits and vegetables, explain their use in art and natural colors, and emphasize the use of seasonal produce.

7 - 8 years old

Shapes and Colours with Kandinsky (# 9)

The video lesson instructs viewers to observe and describe elements in paintings, including various types of lines and geometric shapes. They learn to differentiate between realistic and abstract art and identify key elements in Kandinsky's work.

9 - 10 years old

Shapes, Colours and Emotions (# 10)

The video lesson instructs viewers to observe and describe elements in paintings, including various types of lines and geometric shapes. They learn to differentiate between realistic and abstract art and identify key elements in Kandinsky's work.

9 - 10 years old

Shapes (# 11)

The video lesson aims to achieve two goals: enhancing shape recognition and fostering creative expression. Students develop a deep understanding of basic shapes and their artistic applications. They are then encouraged to create imaginative artworks using a variety of shapes.

11 - 12 years old

Warm and Cold Colours (# 12)

The video lesson focuses on color recognition and association, aiming to deepen students' understanding of warm and cold colors while exploring their emotional impact in art. Additionally, it emphasizes creative expression, prompting students to apply their knowledge utilizing colors.

11 - 12 years old

Dancing Styles (# 13)

The video lesson offers a holistic approach to dance education. Students identify and describe three dance styles, comprehend the cultural significance of dance, and enhance motor skills through basic movements.

9 - 10 years old